Monday, May 7, 2012

JDBC Connectivity for SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Named Instances

I have a SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Server running on a development environment. It only had a default instance. I got a request from the development manager to create a named instance on that server.

I created a named instance, tested connectivity from the server and from a remote client using SSMS. It worked fine..

I got an email saying that the dev manager wasn't able to connect to the named instance using "MyEclipse" and his app is also having the same connectivity issue.

I was confused..because I was able to connect the named instance from my laptop using SSMS. I installed SSMS on the Dev Manager's laptop and was able to connect to the named instance as well.. So I wasn't sure where to go.

I also installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard on the same server and created a named instance..It did not have any issues with JDBC Connectivity.

After some research through MSDN website..I found out the following solution.

Go to Registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Microsoft SQL Server -> 100 ->

Add a New Key value (If not found)

Add a String value inside SQLBrowser
Ssrplistener -  "1"

Restart the SQL Browser Service.

It worked....!!

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